Glenrock Lagoon Workout
I had to visit Newcastle for the weekend, hence my late post tonight. I ate well, and didn't skip my workout. I mowed the lawns and then went for a gentle jog down to Glenrock Lagoon - one of my all time favourite training runs.
I spent a few minutes warming up in the carpark, and then jogged down to the beach. I found it very very enjoyable and surprised the heck out of myself when I saw my time - 18 mins to the beach. I jogged all the way, except for a few spots where it was too slippery or rocky to jog. Wow I felt alive !
I walked back to the carpark instead of trying to jog because hey, this is the end of my first week back in training and I am tired & sleep deprived at the moment - I don't want to do too much too soon. Anyway, I arrived back in the car park pretty knackered. I jogged a couple of sections, mostly down hill or flat bits, but I walked 90% of the way at a very fast pace. Equivalent to my "Hill Walk" mode on the treadmill I guess!
Total workout time - 46 mins 13 sec.
Calories burned - unknown, but I'm guessing lots!
I am feeling a little bit sore around my ankles tonight and have a bit of a sore throat and a dull headache, so I took two aspro clears before going to bed. The soreness in my legs is certainly from jogging on the uneven surface of the bush track. You have to control each foot-fall when running through the bush; there aren't too many uneven surfaces on a treadmill.
GREAT training run. Loved it.
Good night!